Sophometrics — projects
Sophometrics’ projects represent a wide range of consulting, design, and engineering services. Doug Bors, President of Sophometrics Inc., has worked on each of the projects listed below (as well as many, many others).
Organizational Design for Healthcare — Clearpath, LLC Sophometrics worked with ClearPath and the hospital executive team through a 12-week cycle of organizational planning to prepare for the opening of a new community hospital in Texas. Sophometrics helped to organize nearly 250 patient stories, operational problems, and caregiver requests to create a new management framework that will replace old problems with new outcomes. This work, centered on patient experience, directly informs hiring, training, corporate messaging, and clinical operations. Our team’s work also identified a systematic, comprehensive, learning plan to maintain excellence in patient care. Value: The new executive team is prepared to invite growth through patient loyalty in a competitive health care market and, therefore, is positioned to become a leader in their new community. |
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Microsoft Design Competition — Collins Woerman Energy system research, technology consulting, and design criteria development. Translated new design criteria written by Microsoft for this competition into prioritized, design metrics (weighted measures). Value: facilitate a clear discussion about priorities and help clarify how specific non-monetary goals were to be measured for success. <We developed two routes to monitor progress of the design. First, a comparative measure based on the qualities of recently constructed Microsoft buildings. Second, a team progress check against previous design iterations to insure progress toward the most desired end-result. |
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Data Center Reliability Analysis — Microsoft Dynamic event analysis to define the probability of a system wide failure caused by a known series of dependent failures. Value: identified and estimated a relative failure probability for a specific failure mode compared to the overall system reliability so that the owner could choose an effective management strategy. |
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Forensics of Data Center Failure — Port of Seattle Post failure analysis to determine the actual cause of a particular critical environment system failure. Also, analyzed predictive failure rates for each proposed corrective action and explored related failure modes. Value: provided the owner/engineerinng/construction team with dependable information for decisions and action. |
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Port of Seattle Master Planning and Environmental Impact Statement — NBBJ Planning and EIS for the Uplands at North Bay. This work includes planning for electric power, natural gas, communications, and energy utilization for the 70-plus acre Uplands site. Value: identify costs, increase developer value and align investment schedule with potential return. In the case of North Bay, we have found an extraordinary potential investment in energy efficiency, giving us potential for an immediate return through reduced investment in infrastructure. We continue to explore this potential savings through energy utilization planning and energy standards development. |
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Port of Seattle Shore Power Study Engineering study, port activity study, marine engine efficiency research, and executive report to capture the possible advantages and probable cost of shore power at several Seaport terminals. Sophometrics’ work is a component of an overall assessment of marine emissions and potential emissions reduction options, and the report is coordinated with other consulting studies to facilitate a comparative analysis of air quality improvement options. Purpose: To create one component of an effective planning and decision tool for a large and complex issue. |
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Port of Seattle Cruise Terminal Relocation — KPFF Utility planning, building systems coordination, electronic security, natural ventilation criteria, coordination of shore power circuits, and management of salvaged components to facilitate relocation of cruise terminal facilities for two cruise ships from Terminal 30 to Pier 91. Value: creation of a commercial landmark on a strict budget. This project represents a continuing collaboration between Sophometrics and Hultz•BHU•Cross Engineers, together providing value to the owner by sharing cross-discipline experience |
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Port of Seattle Pier 91 Utility Upgrade — KPFF Planning, technical coordination, and utility service coordination for dry utilities (natural gas, electricity, and communications) for a 2000-foot long utility upgrade on Pier 91. Value: to maintain continuity between planning and implementation of a large utility extension. Sophometrics’ planning work was completely integrated with the detailed engineering work provided by Hultz•BHU•Cross Engineers in a working collaboration created to implement this project. |
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Sustainable Design Guide — NEEA Contribution to the “Guide to the Design and Construction of High Performance Hospitals”. In this guide, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance introduces the concept of Integrated Design for health care projects. The value of Sophometrics’ work was to extend the context of the design process discussion beyond the boundary of design team activities to include the rules of engagement required for effective collaboration. |
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Instruction and Training Development — BetterBricks Training for the BetterBricks Brown Bag program. Development of Brown Bag presentations, including two recent topics for the High Performance Healthcare Partnership (HPHP) initiative. Participant in the Boise Natural Ventilation Workshop and instructor for a follow-up talk the week after the workshop. At the workshop, we established a conversation about the relationship between the marketplace and design. This conversation helped workshop participants better understand how design can influence market change in the energy arena. At the follow-up meeting we described the workshop's primary technical outcome — effective natural ventilation schemes in Idaho depend on the integration of one or more technologies with natural ventilation. The example project on the right includes night ventilation (pre-cooling), solar chimneys, and natural ventilation in an integrated package. |
Beck Pack Systems Manufacturing Plant, Preston WA — Group Mackenzie Electrical design criteria for a design build contract, utility coordination, manufacturing equipment requirements, and technical communication with European manufacturers for a 25,000 square foot light manufacturing facility. Value: to assist an owner with a very tight budget to establish a new manufacturing plant in the United States. |
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